
Why You’re Not Achieving Your Goals (And How to Fix It)

Let’s talk about achieving goals. We all have ’em, right? Whether it’s landing that dream job, writing a novel, or simply running a marathon, there’s something we’re striving for. But here’s the kicker: achieving your goal isn’t about wishing really hard or crossing your fingers. It’s about what you do, not what happens to you. […]

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thoughts sabotaging

You Won’t Believe How Your Thoughts Are Sabotaging You

Ever caught yourself flipping out over something super small, only to chill out a few minutes later? One second, you’re ready to explode because someone cut you off in traffic, and the next, you’re thinking, “Eh, whatever, it’s not a big deal.” It’s like your brain has a built-in reality filter, and it can totally

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anandamaya kosha

Anandamaya Kosha

What Is Anandamaya Kosha – Meaning By Prarthana Yoga Anandamaya Kosha, rooted in Sanskrit, translates to the “blissful sheath.” The term “Ananda” signifies bliss, encapsulating the ultimate state of joy in yogic philosophy. Recognized as the innermost layer among the five koshas, this concept is paramount in yoga, offering a pathway to profound contentment and

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Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra for Sleep and Relaxation: A Beginner’s Guide

Do you ever find yourself in a frustrating battle with exhaustion, desperately longing for relaxation, even though you’ve clocked in more hours of sleep than you thought possible? It’s as if your body and mind have conspired against you, leaving you in a weariness that defies logic. And just when you finally surrender to the

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awareness and equanimity

No One Told You About These 2 Secrets To Make Your Life Easy

How Did It Start? I remember the time I was given a chance to lecture to hundreds of folks who were twice my age. They included some academics and professionals. Therefore, even though I had the opportunity to speak on the subject of my choice with complete freedom of expression, the responsibility that came with

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7 Simplest Yet Unique Remedies To Relieve Stress

What do Sanskrit Verses say about Relieving Stress? Let’s find out! चिंतायाश्च चितायाश्च बिन्दुमात्रं विशिष्यते | चिता दहति निर्जीवं चिन्ता दहति जीवनम् || Its Transliteration is – ciṃtāyāśca citāyāśca bindumātraṃ viśiṣyate citā dahati nirjīvaṃ cintā dahati jīvanam According to English translation, it means – In Sanskrit, only one difference exists in the spelling of the

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