aayu tattva

Aayu Tattva

Meaning – What Is Aayu Tattva?

The elemental power of the air is known as Aayu Tattva and is occasionally referred to as Vayu Tattva. The five forces of nature are referred to as Tattvas in Hinduism and Tantrism. Tattva denotes ‘thatness,’ ‘reality,’ or ‘truth,’ while the Sanskrit word Aayu means ‘air,’ ‘wind,’ or ‘breath.’

aayu tattva

The Anahata (heart) chakra, the body’s energy center linked to love, forgiveness, compassion, and acceptance, is connected to Aayu Tattva. A blue circle is the Aayu Tattva symbol.

Aayu Tattva Explained

The Panchabhuta is made up of the five elemental Tattvas. Pancha means ‘five’, and Bhuta means ‘existent’ or ‘element.’ The five Tattvas, in addition to Aayu, are as follows:

Akasha (Ether or Space)

Agni (Fire)

Apas (Water)

Prithvi (Earth)

According to the ayurvedic medical system of ancient India, each person’s body includes components in varying degrees, and the dominant element impacts one’s health and well-being. Tantra helps kundalini energy to climb via the chakras by purifying the Tattvas.

The Tattvas can be balanced and purified by yoga practice; especially, the Aayu Tattva is purified through pranayama.

Unless you remove it forcibly, the air element will curiously occupy whatever area it finds.

As you breathe, you connect with the element at every moment. You draw air from the environment with each inhalation and then exhale it back into the environment. The ingredient that establishes such a direct and constant link with the universe is air. Although this element manifests as sound and touch, its origins lie in the Tanmatra of touch (Sparsh). This element’s inherent ability to move freely fills it with freshness and intellect. You are connected to the element through all of the wind instruments. It has projective energy inside of it that it transfers to you when you form a bond with it. The nature of the air element rituals is to assist you in your various journey pursuits. The ones closest to this component of the air element are our avian buddies. The element has a creative side as it instinctively investigates any area it can access.


Everybody agrees that air is vital to life, including scientists and metaphysicians. Pranayama is a method to manage and direct the ‘prana’ in our bodies that dates back to the early days of yoga. Your thoughts will become calm and relaxed if you let your breathing do the same.

When you experience hypertension, high blood pressure, a stroke, or asthma, you may be aware of an imbalance in the element air. If the balance of the element air is off, you could feel down and inactive. A lingering sense of rudeness pervades.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does Ayurveda actually work?

Ayurveda can be beneficial in addition to traditional, contemporary medical care, but it shouldn’t take its place of it, specifically when treating serious disorders.

What are Tattvas?

Tattvas (Sanskrit), according to several Indian systems of philosophy, are the components or facets of reality that make up the human experience.

The primal energies affecting astral and corporeal levels are known as Tattvas and Gunas. They impact all kinds of life from the start of their earthly existence to death in the physical, psychic, and spiritual realms. The human body, with its extremely complex organ, nerve, and brain functions, and the psyche and mind are created by the multi-layered combinations of these fundamental forces.

Can Ayurveda cure food allergies?

Yes. Food allergies can be effectively managed with ayurveda. Ayurveda combines internal, external, and purifying therapies to eliminate all allergies. Ayurveda’s approach to treating food allergies varies from person to person and is based on the signs and symptoms. However, Ayurveda’s knowledge can be applied to treating and preventing food allergies.

Can Ayurveda help you lose weight?

Ayurveda has successfully treated weight reduction for thousands of years due to its comprehensiveness. In Ayurveda, obesity is referred to as Sthoulyam. The metabolism of adipose tissue is reportedly disrupted by an imbalance of the digestive fire (Agni) and toxins (Ama), according to Ayurveda (Medo Dhatu).

What does ayurveda say about tea?

Three varieties of ayurvedic teas are available: vatha tea, pitta tea, and Kapha tea. These teas are designed to cleanse and detoxify the body and are brewed with various herbs and ingredients. This is the main way that Ayurveda promotes wellness and good health. Additionally, each tea is intended to balance a particular dosha in our body.

Does Ayurveda work for hair growth?

There are numerous ways to stop hair loss. However, one of the best and most efficient ways to promote natural hair growth is through ‘Ayurvedic’ treatment. Several secrets in Ayurveda can help you regrow your hair. According to Ayurveda, a healthy body and mind will lead to healthy hair and scalp, promoting optimal hair development.

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