7 Simplest Yet Unique Remedies To Relieve Stress

What do Sanskrit Verses say about Relieving Stress? Let’s find out!

चिंतायाश्च चितायाश्च बिन्दुमात्रं विशिष्यते |

चिता दहति निर्जीवं चिन्ता दहति जीवनम् ||

Its Transliteration is –

ciṃtāyāśca citāyāśca bindumātraṃ viśiṣyate

citā dahati nirjīvaṃ cintā dahati jīvanam

According to English translation, it means –

In Sanskrit, only one difference exists in the spelling of the words चिंता (Chinta – stress) and चिता (Chita – funeral pyre); just an extra dot.

The pyre burns the dead body, and stress burns down the whole life!


Recently, I received a text from a 14-15-year-old student who said he does not have a purpose in life and is depressed. He said he has no energy to study, do activities, have fun, and do similar things. I was shocked. Then, I deeply felt the need to do something to bring at least 1% of happiness in youngsters’ lives through my words and deeds, and hence this blog!

I am sure you have searched for activities to relieve stress at least once in a lifetime. You would have come across numerous methods related to stress reduction. We will read about all the spiritual methods in some other articles.

Let’s consider the simpler methods, keeping my younger ones in mind.  Yoga, Tai Chi, and your favorite sport may not be something you are accustomed to doing daily. But, other than workouts and hitting the pharmaceutical cupboard, there are even simpler remedies to relieve stress.

Here is a checklist of items to action each day. As simple as they may sound, never underestimate the power of simple things!


1. Early to bed, early to rise.

Image, today you had a holiday, when did you wake up? Reflect.

Most of us stick to our phones even 5 minutes before sleeping, increasing screen time and disturbing our sleep pattern. Many of us lack the motivation to get up early in the morning. We must realize that waking up early will complete half a day by 10-11 a.m.

My aunty, who is 60 years old but looks like 30, revealed this when I asked her about the secret of her cheerfulness and energetic approach to life.

relieve stress

So, the expression fits nicely into a balanced day, though it’s more about controlled sleeping patterns. Having only a few hours of disturbed sleep each night is not good. Have a good, deep sleep; undisturbed, calm sleep each night fits nicely into a stress relieving pattern.

According to a national survey, more than 55% of individuals practicing yoga reported improved sleep quality, while an impressive 85% acknowledged that yoga effectively alleviated stress.

Engaging in yoga not only enhances mindfulness and elevates melatonin levels but also effectively alleviates sleep disturbances. The profound relaxation induced by its deep breathing techniques is a powerful catalyst for promoting restful sleep. The pivotal element in achieving quality sleep lies in the consistent practice of yoga, synergizing with regular exercise.

One must take the help of Chaitanyasana or Yoga Nidra for a fulfilling & refreshing sleep.

2. Avoid drinking vast amounts of caffeine.

Once, my father’s senior asked him if he had any addiction, and my father replied that he did not. He informed him that he drinks coffee twice a day. “That, my friend, is an addiction,” replied his senior.

This habit disrupts your daily balance. The most straightforward approach to overcoming caffeine dependence involves gradually reducing consumption. This allows your nervous system the necessary time to adapt to functioning without the influence of the drug.

If you are prone to drinking too much caffeine, try cutting down and fitting some decaffeinated green coffee and herbal tea into your day. Yes, caffeine gives you a burst of energy to enable you to feel more alert, but the effect is short. Instead, lime juice retains energy and freshens one’s mood.

10 rounds of Anulom Vilom (Alternative Nostrils Breathing) gives a person ever-lasting energy free of cost.

3. Eat lots of fruit, and get the needed daily vitamins. 

We usually give nutritious food the last priority on our to-do list, don’t we? We eat unconsciously just for the sake of eating.

Apples and bananas are very healthy supplements to your daily food intake. Bananas are not fattening, and apples help the immune system.

Among Australian adults, a lower likelihood of experiencing high perceived stress was linked to an increased intake of apples, pears, oranges, citrus fruits, and bananas, as well as cruciferous, yellow/orange/red, and legume vegetables. Embracing the advice to “eat a rainbow” of colors in your diet may prove beneficial in preventing and mitigating perceived stress.

Do not eat too much-processed food; concentrate on drinking and eating the required vitamins.

4. Salt raises your blood pressure.

According to the National Library of Medicine, hypertension leads to stress. Excessive sodium hampers the body’s natural response to stress, and as the heart’s workload increases, adrenaline gushes into the bloodstream, causing anxiety. Salts impact everything, from blood pressure to the heart and kidneys. The blood pressure boosts (hypertension) as the heart pumps more blood in a particular period.

Even if you are young, keep an eye on salty foods being consumed. Higher blood pressure will contribute to your stress levels and is a killer. Lower salt intakes help to relieve stress and anxiety.

5. Look back over the past week at the positive aspects that made you feel good.

When you were a kid, I am sure your tongue used to find and keep touching that part of the mouth where you recently lost your teeth. By the same analogy, our attention focuses on the things that went bad. Some people often keep playing a sad situation in their minds on a loop.

Let’s recall: Did something occur in your life last week that brought you joy and laughter or made you feel light and grounded? Focusing on that moment will allow you to attract good feelings into your mind and smother any negative impact from the day.

6. Start journaling

In your teenage years, maybe you stashed a diary under your mattress – a secret spot to spill your guts without worrying about judgment or consequences. It felt like a relief, right? Everything seemed clearer once it was on paper.

Now that you’re a grown-up, the concept still rocks, just with a cooler name – journaling. It’s basically jotting down your thoughts and feelings to make sense of them. And if life’s throwing stress, depression, or anxiety your way, keeping a journal can be your secret weapon. It’s like gaining control of your emotions and giving your mental health a much-needed boost.

At times, the mind keeps jumping from one thought to another, causing anxiety and stress due to unsorted thought wires. Journaling helps to get clarity by organizing thoughts. It helps to vent out and gives writers the feeling of bliss as they can express themselves entirely without fearing judgment.

In a cool study from 2018, published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), they discovered something awesome. Turns out, folks dealing with a chronic illness felt way better physically when they wrote down their thoughts in a journal. Those who skipped the journaling didn’t catch the same break.

7. Afternoon naps can help.

If you work from home or are on the road, find times in the day to relax this way. This is particularly effective if you tend to work irregular hours. Power naps help to relieve stress at work. This habit makes one feel more rested and willing to face the day ahead.

Taking naps isn’t just a luxury; it’s like giving your body a secret weapon. Some smart studies found that catching some daytime Zs not only kicks stress to the curb but also wonders for your memory.

After the chaos of the COVID-19 saga, they even discovered that an afternoon siesta was like a superhero move, swooping in to rescue stressed-out folks and making sleep a whole lot calmer. So, why not give it a shot and see if an afternoon snooze fits your vibe?

Enforce these remedies to relieve stress daily to keep a healthy body and mind. Set a convenient time to perform the tasks, and stick to a schedule that works around your other daily commitments.


Don’t stress about reliving stress, and don’t let it control you; it can only do that if you allow it to happen. Even if stress attacks you, do not react; keep observing without resisting! What does a teacher do when the students misbehave in class? She usually stares at them, and then the kids settle.

4 thoughts on “7 Simplest Yet Unique Remedies To Relieve Stress”

  1. As you always have such an amazing solutions of all my problems:)
    I know this will help others to reduse stress in there life🦋
    You really doing a good job .

  2. Love every article of yours but this one is much needed in today’s fast pace lifestyle. Even school going kids are in stress. This write up is beautifully written and very simple points which everyone and anyone can follow. Thank you for such good article.

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